Upgrades at Tauranga marina hardstand

Tauranga Marina Society’s new look hardstand.

Tauranga Marina Society’s hardstand at Sulphur Point is in the process of undergoing a major upgrade.

Completed over the last five months, the public facility has been re-surfaced with 40mm of asphalt. New slot drains have also been installed as well as renewed power and water supply.

The new power system offers 16, 32 and 60-amp outlets for vessels to plug directly into, allowing fridges and battery chargers to remain plugged in. Additionally, power pedestals offer lots of conventional points to plug power leads into.

Marina Manager Greg Prescott says: “Our customers value the environment and requested additional slot drains.

“If you are wet sanding the bottom of your boat and all the debris runs into the ground, the slot drains capture all of that and run it into the environmental system, so we are keeping our marina and the harbour tidier.”

They have also built a new tractor shed, with a sand-blasting bay is under construction. Future investment on the hardstand is a roll-over style shelter.

“We are going to start trialling one or two of those - maybe next summer - to see how that goes,” says Greg. “There’s been a lot of call for that. People are quite happy to be outside, but they like to have that simple shelter over the top of them.”

The multi-hull haul-out facility will also be updated.

“It currently caters for some of the multi-hulls around the harbour, but not the bigger, more modern boats.

“We are going to be looking at how we can best handle those guys going into the future.”

The marina society is looking to the 40-50ft cruising catamarans with families or a couples on board who are cruising the world.

“They want to get out of hurricane season, come down here, haul out and get their maintenance done,” says Greg.

“Whangarei has done an awesome job of getting that market and I think it would be beneficial to the marine industry down here if we could get some of that market too, even if it’s 10-15 boats a year.”

For booking enquiries, contact Greg on 07 578 8747.


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